Warming-Up to a Great Workout

A perfect warm-up virtually ensures a perfect workout, but a poor one will almost certainly ruin what COULD have been a great training experience. Ever wake up dreading the idea of going to the gym, but after getting there, you end up having a great workout? You can thank your warm-up for that.

Eccentric Exercise

It seems like you've been adding weight to the stack each time you do triceps pushdowns. The veins in your neck stick out like a garden hose as you power through the sticking point, and the cable starts cutting into your neck, just like your idol, Tom Platz. You stop, however, before it cuts through and leaves a bloody mess on the floor.

The Top Ten Testosterone Myths

Testosterone is hot. It gets lead story status in big-name international newsmagazines like Time, and it's been making the rounds on both national and local news programs. Everybody, it seems, is suddenly intrigued by it. And moreover, everybody seems to want it.

The Protein Conspiracy

The image appears on the TV screen. The camera is shaky, the angle skewed. Several figures in dark suits sit around a table, their features blurred and choppy. The button camera attached to the spy's lapel is minuscule, virtually undetectable.

Tsunami Training

I'm going to describe a little 6-week program that I call Tsunami Training (I'll get to why I call it that a little later). It's based, for the most part, on training methodologies that I picked up from Ian King and Charles Poliquin, with some razzle-dazzle thrown in by myself.

Antioxidants - Part 2

Antioxidant supplementation is one of the most confusing areas of nutrition. Hell, if you read the average daily newspaper, you're met with a deluge of information about the latest and greatest alleged antioxidants. If you followed all of the advice of the nutritional pundits, you'd be popping pills filled with exotic substances all day long.

Antioxidants - Part 1

Almost every armchair nutritionist believes, deep down in his or her free radical-purged soul, that antioxidants are good for you. Trouble is, there seems to be scores of substances that have antioxidant capabilities. Figuring out which ones to take, and in what quantities, is enough to turn your body into a free-radical factory.

The Evolution of Ab Training

Ah, the elusive art of abs. These days, the "lift shirt and crunch" has replaced flexed biceps as the choice method for proving that you are, indeed, a studly man-beast. Despite this latest "muscle of the moment" craze, Americans are getting fatter. Want to know the secret reason? Okay, I'll tell you...but this is just between you and me, deal?