The Low-Carb Roundtable - Part 1

Low-carbohydrate diets have certainly received their share of attention in recent years. While the popularity of Atkins, South Beach, and other low-carb diets peaked last year, it remains an interesting topic among physique athletes.

Food Magic X 5

If you drop about a roll and a half of Mentos mints into a 2-liter bottle of Diet Coke, you'd better run like hell because the Mentos causes the Coke to erupt into a beautiful, 15-foot high, sugary-sweet Coca Cola geyser.

The King of Meals

You've heard it before: "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" Or perhaps you've heard it stated in reference to a long night of liver depletion and fasting catabolism: "Break the fast... breakfast!"

6 BIGGER Bulking Tips

Steve was about to begin a big bulking phase and wanted some advice. He had read the original Big Bulking Tips article and applied many of the ideas with great success, putting on 15 pounds in a little over two months.

Man Fuel 1

Despite what you might think from the title of this article "Man Fuel" is NOT the name of a new supplement from TwinLab. Instead, it's the name of a new Question and Answer column from Testosterone contributor Mike Roussell.

Tailor-Made Nutrition - Part 3

Now, in this last installment of the Tailor-Made Nutrition series, I'll continue where I left off in Part II, moving from the discussion of methodology to the actual adjustments you may need to tailor-make your own nutrition plan.

Periodize Your Diet!

It's borderline heresy that I even considered writing this article. As if being a lightweight powerlifter wasn't bad enough, my actions here will probably get me ostracized by the powerlifting community. Yes, folks, I'm a powerlifter writing a nutrition article.

Nutrition for Athletes

As most T-Mag readers know, John Berardi's been around the block so many times, he makes the mailman look like a slacker. A nutrition consultant to everyone from hockey players to soccer moms, when this guy talks sports nutrition - you'd better listen. Need more convincing?

Nitrogenous Novelty

As I sit here pondering the recently concluded Staley Training Summit, I'm left wondering - as I often do - how far overboard I went with my whirlwind lecture on diet and recovery.
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