The Velocity Diet

The Velocity Diet is a 28-day state-of-the-art strategy that uses daily protein pulses to stimulate protein synthesis and boost protein uptake, utilization, and metabolic rate. The goal is to lose body fat while building muscle at the fastest, healthiest rate.


FIREADY Strong is an apex training course that weaponizes strength and conditioning. The goal is to develop first responders and battle-ready warriors capable of winning any fight or challenge.

M3 Pure Muscle

Pump Stimulate & Flutter (PSF) is a strategy for training muscles while fully engorged with growth nutrients. The system’s repetition layers, specialized workout fuel, and accelerated training pace potentiate the effects. The goal is to rapidly develop a dense, lean muscular body.

Metcon for Muscle Plan

Metcon for Muscle is Christian Thibaudeau’s most advanced and toughest training plan – the one he uses for his top athletes to build the fitness qualities of a pro: To build a fully developed muscular body. To drop body fat below 10% for walk-around leanness. To condition for unstoppable work capacity.