Beat the Heart Attack Gene, by Bradley Bale, MD, and Amy Doneen

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The Revolutionary Plan to Prevent Heart Disease, Stroke, and Diabetes

Here's a fun fact: you're probably going to die of heart disease. Yes, even if the tests your doctor gives you come back from the lab looking good. And yes, even if you hit the gym often.

See, there are genetic factors involved. And the way most doctors test for vascular disease today isn't the most up-to-date method. That plaque in your arteries sorta "hides" from conventional tests.

The cardiovascular specialists here have a different approach, one that promises to help you outsmart the "heart attack gene." This book breaks it all down in an easy to understand – but kinda repetitive – manner. But it's worth checking out since 50 percent of us carry at least one of the genes that makes us prone to ticker problems. – Chris Shugart


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