Lower Body Training, by Jason Brown

Lower Body Training offers dozens of options for developing all the muscles of the lower body. The exercises are organized by the movement patterns they target and feature variations based on the equipment you have available without sacrificing results.

Strength Training for All Body Types

Every person’s body is different. Training should be designed to accommodate YOUR different joint angles, bone lengths, and overall body structure. Lee Boyce and Melody Schoenfeld explain how to take advantage of your unique body type to optimize training results.

Bragg Organic Sprinkle

Herbs and spices, like the ones in this mix, are among the most nutrient-dense foods there are, ranking right up there with organ meats like liver. They're bursting with bioactive compounds like tannins, alkaloids, phenolic terpenes, and vitamins, especially flavonoids and polyphenols.

High-Protein Sweet Rolls: Legendary Foods

The most shocking thing about these is the flavor. They contain 20 grams of protein and 5 grams of carbs. They’re filling as heck. So if you’re like a lot of lifters, who use Quest bars in a pinch (traveling, busy schedule, etc.), give these a shot next time instead.

The Barbell Bomb

Just slip this grippy, molded foam device over a barbell and you’re ready for landmine squats, deadlifts, presses, and dozens of other effective exercises.

T-Bell System, Titan Fitness

The T-Bell is sort of a plate-loaded kettlebell, but it can be used for a wide variety of exercises, from deficit deadlifts and rows to pullovers and straddle lifts. We like this variation of the T-Bell because it also comes with a neutral-grip X handle.

Three-in-One Egg Cooker

What’s the easiest fat loss strategy? Having high-protein food ready to go. That’s where this cooker comes in. This thing hard boils your eggs so you can have them handy all week long. Or if you want to get fancy, it lets you poach them or make omelets.

Powerball Forearm Trainer

Honestly, we thought gadgets like this were kinda goofy. This little battery-free device hits all the functions of the forearms: flexion, extension, adduction, abduction. Just do 3-4 sets for as long as possible. It’s surprisingly tough!

Heavy Grips Hand Grippers

This is NOT the gripper you had in high school. In fact, the “weakest” model provides two or three times the resistance of an average store-bought gripper. You won’t outgrow these bad boys. Bring on the calluses!

Bells of Steel Open Trap Bar

The open front-end style of this home-gym friendly hex bar allows you to easily do split squats, Romanian deadlifts, weighted carries, lunges, and more. It also comes with a pair of built-in deadlift jacks to easily load and unload plates.

Pso-Rite Psoas Muscle Release Tool

I tweaked my lower back, which caused constant aching for days. So when my powerlifting friend, Jenny, recommended Pso-Rite, I could lay on it for a couple of minutes, get loose, and get rid of the back ache. Recommended! – Dani Shugart

NT Loops

Most resistance bands have limited uses and they uncomfortably dig into your body. NT Loops are made of a practically bulletproof fabric. They’re 3 inches wide so they won’t pinch or shift. And with the door anchor attachment, they’re super versatile.