TRX All-in-One Suspension Training System

From Amazon

Categorized under Equipment

Includes suspension training strap, indoor/outdoor anchors, travel pouch, and a 35-page workout guide.

When Christian Thibaudeau was training a pro bodybuilder at the T Nation gym, we were surprised to see him pull out the TRX. Weren't these things just for grannies and people who train in their spare bedrooms? Nope. Turns out that anyone can benefit from the challenge of suspension training.

You can pretty much train your whole body with the versatile TRX. And unlike most of the other copycat suspension trainers on the market, the TRX is built for abuse and able to handle 350 pounds of resistance. So it's even good for fat powerlifters. Um, I mean STRONG powerlifters. – Chris Shugart


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