AeroPress Coffee and Espresso Maker

From Amazon

Categorized under Technology

Uses total immersion and gentle pressure to produce micro-filtered coffee with extraordinarily rich flavor. Tote bag for travel included.

Sometimes the best tech is low-tech, and few things prove the point like the AeroPress Coffee Maker. I got one of these things as a gift and it was like giving wine, or Pepsi or something, to a man who had only known water. I'd spent so many years drinking coffee from a lousy Mr. Coffee brewer and, later, a K-Cup dispenser, that I forgot what coffee was supposed to taste like. Holy crap this thing makes good coffee!

The kit consists of a plunger, the seal, the chamber, and filter cap, and it comes with 350 paper filters, a funnel, a stirrer, and a scoop, but don't be intimidated. This thing is easy to learn and clean while actually being fun to use and master. Just add some coffee to the chamber, add hot water, insert the plunger, wait a bit, and then squeeze the plunger down until you hear a satisfying hiss. In two minutes you'll have the best tasting cup of coffee you ever had. Oh yeah, the plastic is BPA free, so no worries there. – TC Luoma

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