7 Ways to Build Muscle with Battle Ropes

by Dan North

...And Get Ripped Too

Pump up your biceps and triceps – and even your delts and pecs – while getting in a fast HIIT workout. Here's how.

You can only fit in so many standard arm workouts before your elbows start hating you. But battle ropes allow you to add an extra arm workout without the repercussions. Bonus: You can build pecs and delts, too, while boosting your conditioning.

Why Battle Ropes Work

  • It’s a concentric-only workout. In other words, there are no eccentric contractions or “negatives.” This allows your muscles to recover faster between workouts with less wear and tear on your joints and ligaments.
  • Battle ropes build grip strength.
  • Battle rope training improves conditioning in a different way. If you like lifting weights, chances are you hate doing cardio. Battle ropes are a fun alternative to the monotonous treadmill.
  • Variety. Boredom will never be an issue. There’s an endless list of exercise variations to choose from.
  • It’s a relatively low-impact workout. Conventional HIIT typically involves movements that can be taxing on your joints and nervous system.
  • It’s time-efficient. You got other stuff to do, right?

Battle Rope Exercises

1. Alternating Waves (Biceps)

2. Double Waves (Biceps)

3. Lateral Waves (Pecs)

4. Lateral Raise Slams (Delts)

5. Front Raise Slams (Delts)

6. Reverse Flye Slams (Rear Delts)

7. Skull Crusher Waves

The Workout

Use this routine as its own workout or as a finisher to your upper-body days. You’ll be doing a Tabata circuit: twenty seconds of work with 10 seconds of rest for 8 rounds (4 minutes total).

  1. Start your timer!
  2. Alternating waves for 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds.
  3. Double waves for 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds.
  4. Lateral waves for 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds.
  5. Lateral raise slams (right side) for 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds.
  6. Lateral raise slams (left side) for 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds.
  7. Front raise slams for 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds.
  8. Reverse fly slams for 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds.
  9. Skull crusher waves for 20 seconds.

If you’re using this as a finisher, one round should be enough. If you’re using this as your entire workout, rest 2-3 minutes after the full circuit and repeat for 3 circuits.

Note: Want some battle ropes for home use? Check these out (Buy at Amazon).


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