Skinny Arm Cure

A 30-10-30 Challenge for Biceps & Triceps


Casey Viator, at age 19, won the AAU Mr. America in 1970. I met Viator in 1968 and eventually we both worked together at Nautilus in Lake Helen, Florida.

Casey had some of the biggest, strongest, and best-shaped arms I've ever seen. In 1978, I trained Casey for six months prior to him entering NABBA Mr. Universe. Casey was extremely strong in any type of biceps curl or triceps extension, with or without machines. His dip strength and endurance was out of this world. Casey could do just about anything you could dream up.

Unfortunately, the 30-10-30 method — two 30-second negative reps before and after 10 normal reps — wasn't invented until much later, so I never had the chance to challenge Casey with it. But if I could have, here's the 30-10-30 arm workout that I would've put him through:

1. Barbell Reverse Curl

  • Cheat/swing the bar to the top position.
  • Secure elbows at your sides and don't move them during the exercise.
  • Lower the weight slowly over 30 seconds to the bottom position.
  • Do 10 regular reps smoothly in good form.
  • Pause at the top of the 10th rep and lower the weight slowly over 30 seconds.

Take no rest and move quickly to the dumbbell curl.

2. Dumbbell Curl

  • Cheat/swing the dumbbells to the top position.
  • Secure elbows at your sides and don't move them during the exercise.
  • Lower the weight slowly over 30 seconds to the bottom position.
  • Do 10 regular reps smoothly in good form.
  • Lower the weight slowly over 30 seconds to the bottom position.

Go to triceps extension with no rest.

3. Triceps Extension with One Dumbbell

  • Keep elbows by your ears and upper arms in a vertical position as you smoothly lower the dumbbell over 30 seconds behind the head.
  • Do 10 reps smoothly and in good form.
  • Lower the dumbbell for the finishing 30-second negative. It'll be difficult but doable.

Finally, with no rest, drop to the floor for the most challenging push-ups you've ever done.

4. Push-Up

  • Get in the top push-up position. Turn your hands in and almost touch the tips of your index fingers.
  • Do the 30-second negative followed by 10 regular full-range push-ups. Move smoothly.
  • Pause briefly at the top of the 10th rep, resolve to get the last rep perfect, then lower yourself over 30 seconds.

I guarantee you, Casey Viator could've done each of those 10 reps in perfect form and completed the final 30-second negative. But how about you?

I can just see Viator's flexed arm pumped bigger than the photo above.

Want bigger biceps and triceps? Do the 30-10-30 workout once a week for four weeks, and you'll cure skinny arm disease.

Dr Darden was director of research of Nautilus Sports/Medical Industries for 20 years. He is the author of a number of best-selling books, including The Nautilus Book, The Nautilus Diet, A Flat Stomach ASAP, and The New High Intensity Training. Dr. Darden was also recognized by the President's Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition as one of the top ten health leaders in the United States.

Check out the Ellington Darden Coaching Forum.
Buy Dr Darden's book: 30-10-30: Metabolic Challenges for Building Muscle