Tip: TRX Fallouts

For this anti-extension core exercise, set up in a slight forward lean. Fall forward with no back sag. Shift your weight onto your heels to return to the start.

Lumbar extension is prevalent throughout the athletic and lifting populations. Fallouts are probably the most challenging anti-extension exercises out there. In the video, a single-leg variation is shown which adds an element of anti-rotation as well.

  1. Set up in a slight forward lean.
  2. Allow yourself to fall forwards without allowing your back to sag in the middle.
  3. Keep your core firm and your arms straight.
  4. Once you've gone out as far as your can comfortably, shift your weight onto your heels to return to the starting position.
Travis Hash is the founder of Hash Fitness, based in Harford County, Maryland, and the head strength and conditioning coach at CCBC Dundalk, Baseball. Travis is also a certified personal trainer through the National Strength Professionals Association. Follow Travis Hash on Facebook