Tip: Do These Metabolic Complexes

This training method gets you strong, builds muscle, and even burns some fat. Warning: It's also nasty

Strength/Size Metabolic Complexes

This lifting method combines three exercises done as a complex – exercises performed one after the other with a brief rest period. All three exercises target the same muscle group.

  • Exercise 1: This is used to build strength, so you'd do a big basic lift for 3-6 reps per set.
  • Exercise 2: A hypertrophy (size-focused) movement for the same muscle group done for 8-12 reps.
  • Exercise 3: A metabolic exercise hitting the same muscle group done with sets lasting up to 60 seconds.

Here are some examples:

Lower Body Example 1

  Exercise Reps Rest
A1 Back Squat 4-6 30-45 sec.
A2 Leg Press 10-12 30-45 sec.
A3 Sled Pushing 40m. 3 min.

Lower Body Example 2

  Exercise Reps Rest
A1 Sumo Deadlift 4-6 30-45 sec.
A2 Leg Curl 10-12 30-45 sec.
A3 Kettlebell Swing 30 3 min.

Upper Body Example 1

  Exercise Reps Rest
A1 Bench Press 4-6 30-45 sec.
A2 Incline Dumbbell Press 10-12 30-45 sec.
A3 Battle Ropes 45 sec. 3 min.

Upper Body Example 2

  Exercise Reps Rest
A1 Bentover Barbell Row 4-6 30-45 sec.
A2 Cable Seated Row 10-12 30-45 sec.
A3 Rowing Ergometer 200m. 3 min.
Christian Thibaudeau specializes in building bodies that perform as well as they look. He is one of the most sought-after coaches by the world's top athletes and bodybuilders. Check out the Christian Thibaudeau Coaching Forum.