Kitu Caramel Super Espresso

From Amazon

Categorized under Food & Snacks

Organic and lactose-free. 0g sugar, 5g protein, 40 calories.

When I impulse-purchased a can of this at the store, I was just looking for a convenient boost to get me through an afternoon of errand running. I was not expecting to be blown away by the flavor. I actually double-checked the ingredients to make sure I hadn't grabbed something packed with sugar. Nope! It's sweetened with monk fruit extract and contains a little MCT oil (extracted from coconut oil), a bit of whey protein, and L-theanine – a non-essential amino acid known for its nootropic effects. And of course, being espresso, there's also 180mg of caffeine. I tried the caramel, but it also comes in plain and vanilla. And those little 6-ounce cans are just adorable, aren't they?

– Chris Shugart

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