Avantree Wireless/Wired Bluetooth Headphones

From Amazon

Categorized under Technology

Super-light over-the-ear headphones with wireless Bluetooth and wired connections.

Music tends to make exercise, or pretty much any activity, much more tolerable and a good pair of headphones can be key, especially if earbuds don't fit your earholes. This set sits lightly on your head and ears so you don't feel like you're wearing a helmet. The wireless Bluetooth connection lets you play, pause, or skip tracks using buttons on the headset without needing to mess with your phone.

I also wear them anytime I do yardwork, a.k.a. NEPA, although 90 decibels from Metallica is technically the same as 90 decibels from a lawnmower, which may or may not defeat the purpose of "ear protection." – Chris Colucci

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