The Carbohydrate Roundtable - Part 2

Last week, John Berardi, Lonnie Lowery, Cy Willson, and that annoying Jared kid from the TV commercials discussed different aspects of carbohydrate metabolism. When last we left them, they were about to start explaining the differences between individual types of carbohydrates.

Something's Fishy - Part 2

Across-the-board condemnation of dietary fat is like branding all drugs as bad... or all people of a particular ethnic background as undesirable. I suppose we could call the media hype against fat "nutritional racism."

Something's Fishy - Part 1

"The aim of the legal action is to force the fast-food industry to "offer a larger variety to the consumers, including non-meat vegetarian, less grams of fat, and a reduction of size of their meals."

8 Questions About Protein

The purpose of this column is tri-fold. Purpose number one is as a "refresher course" for seasoned lifters. Sure, deep down, you may know this stuff, but it's been so long since you first read about it that you've forgotten the rationale behind the subject matter.

Bedtime Story

About halfway through the night your body runs out of muscle-building fuel and leaves you in a catabolic state. Here’s what you can do about it.